WHAT WE’VE BEEN UP TO – Summer 2022

Photo of Karen and Amore by a horse statue

Spruce Meadows - 2022

Our second show of the year, and always one of my favourites! :) There were FIVE Whippet/Hound specialties-including the National Whippet Club of Canada, and four All Breed Shows. Crazy busy weekend, so I focused on the Specialties.

I entered Amore in Veterans at Four of the five Specialties:

1) Rocky Mountain Whippet Association of Alberta: Best of Opposite Sex, Best Veteran in Breed, & Best Canadian Bred with 34 Whippets entered

2) Alberta Sporting Hound Association: Best Of Opposite Sex and Best Veteran in Breed, 40 Whippets entered.

3) Foothills Gazehound Club:  BEST OF BREED from the Veterans class, Best Veteran in Breed and  Best Veteran in Multi Breed specialty! Amazing. :) 40 Whippets entered.

4) National Whippet Club of Canada: Amore’s brother Pseu won Best Veteran at the National, and also first Award Of Merit! Proud breeder brag.

Opal? Well she did a massive win thing, winning Best Of Opposite Sex in National Specialty. I could not be prouder of her! She was entered in three of the other four Specialties, but didn’t find much love there. 

Overall, a fantastic weekend, that I’m over the moon happy about, and a very proud breeder.



Best of Opposite-Best Canadian Bred-Best Veteran at Rocky Mountain Whippet Association Specialty


Opal winning Best Of Opposite Sex and Best Canadian Bred at the Canadian National Whippet Specialty


Pseu winning First Award of Merit and Best Veteran at the National Whippet Club of Canada Specialty

Photo of Amore winning at ALCA Specialty

NACA - 2022

Our first dog show in 2022, and only the second one we attended since the start of Covid. I love this show, it’s always been a favourite of mine!

I  entered Amore in Veterans at the All Breed, and in the Alberta Lure Coursing Association Specialty. Opal was entered in the All Breed show, and was Select Bitch Every show. Amore won Best Of Opposite Sex and Best Veteran in Breed at the Specialty, and then went on to win Best Veteran in Multi Breed Specialty! He also won us a nice blankie, that we snuggle in every night to watch TV. 

We are very proud of both of them, and we had a wonderful time at the show. It was so nice to get away, relax, and re-connect with some people we hadn’t seen in a very long time.


Candid photo of Amore with prize and ribbon
Photo of walking four dogs

Hanging out - 2022

The rest of this year has been filled with just hanging out, going for walks and enjoying life in the yard and deck.

Most of our time has been at home for the past couple of years, we hope to get a vacation or two in the States to show next year!

Photo of Amore and Opal on the deck
Photo of Jaylo Snuggled in her cave bed on the deck

What's going on out there?

Opal & Amore check out the view to the backyard.

Lounging in the RV yard

Hanging out in the RV yard at Spruce Meadows

Nothing like hot rocks

Baking your hide on the ‘pizza stones’ of the patio.

Turn it on already!

Truly and Opal wait for the after dinner fire session.


4 + 13 =

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